Exciting Page!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Font Crazy!

I just went crazy and changed all the fonts on my blog, while this was fun, as blogger has many fonts I have never seen before I am very disappointed in myself. As an arts student I now find my bog highly disturbing. Even more disturbing that a man eating his own head. Now that is disturbing!

My own personal blog - check it out!

Visit this link - It my photoblog, and it is very exciting!

I have recently come to the realisation that..

I am going to be a crazy cat lady.


Oh well, at least my cats will keep me company, right?

Puss in Boots would love for me to receive brilliant marks :3

This Kitteh Feels That it Has Too Many Ears

Ranga Cat Implores you to Reconsider!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Week Four.

This little guy here is the very scary
D: However flickr is not scary at all. It is just a little photo-sharing site that people use to publish their photos. I already had a flickr account but I most certainly am not a fan. I much prefer to use Deviant Art, my blog and my facebook for such things. Although, they do not have terrifying flickr monsters.

Delicious is a bookmarking website, although it could be handy if you choose to go to many websites and have a horrid memory, I don't think I'd ever use it in my spare time. As I am much too boring to visit an array of websites and my memory is excellent, at least in my opinion :D

Linky to my DELICIOUS account

This post is newer than the last one.

I could not think of any theme for this blog. At all. I really am that creative. So I chose kittehs. Because everybody loves kittehs, right?