Exciting Page!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Assessment Three

Lets start off with links (:
Flickr Photostream
My blog (:

Ok, I created a blogger account which is this blog. The task was to maintain the blog for the duration of the session. My blog has an unhealthy fascination with felines, but that's okay, because cats are cool. I added a new page plus several other page elements. This was done as I was following assessment criteria. Although I do have over the minimum amount of posts I have not updated it in a completely progressive manner, and I won't deny that.

I was also asked to maintain a flickr account. I have created two sets and joined a group, as instructed. I have uploaded 14 items, but as with my blogger, probably not progressively enough. My flickr also appears to have an unhealthy obsession with those of feline persuasion. I'm a cat person :P

I was also asked to create a delicious account, a website that lists websites and bookmarks. I found this one particularly difficult because I couldn't think of any websites I visit :\ I have no hobbys :P. In the end I wound up with 13 different bookmarks.

I do not have a website due to technical difficulties, illness and other such personal problems. So I am inevitably going to fail. Although I did make an extremely cool website layout that no one can see about.. wait for it.. cats. It was called A Day in the Life of a Crazy Cat Lady. It included cat galleries, personal profiles, RSS feeds, and much much more. (:

Saturday 1 October 2011

Lonely :'(

I have a cat, his name is Mr. Floppy. I had to leave him back home when I moved to Wagga. I miss my kitteh!


Wednesday 7 September 2011

Assessment Number One!

I have thirteen highly exciting posts on my blog.
One such post This one has two comments on it! So it must be brilliant.
However there is also this one Really cool Blog Post! which makes up in advertising what it lacks in interest!
There is also this post which contains the important moment where I determined what my blog would be about! CLICK ME!!

I have not actually changed the colours on my blog as I felt the change of the fonts insulted the fact I am a design student enough. I have changed so many fonts on the page! It is terrible! In Fact Clicking this will show you my opinion on the matter!
I didn't change the template either, although I do know how. I just liked this one!

These are highly exciting comments!
Comment One
Comment Two

I have used a few tags in my posts in blogger, such as 'fonts' 'links' and 'kittykat'.

I have eight links on my Delicious account: Delicious Account.
These are just sites that I go to every now and then and all (:

I have four images on my flickr account! I did not realise I had been uploading to my actual flickr account instead of the one for class -.-
Link to my Flickr Photostream!

Examples of some of my photos on my Flickr!

My gmail address is stephbussey.mpi104@gmail.com

That is all (:


Click on this and you will get taken to a flickr post of a cat!

OhMyGosh D:

Luckily I went back to the checklist, as I was one link short, and that would of course have terrible implications on the mark I would receive for this assignment D: However I am unsure of what to link so .. >.>

Click here and you will get a terribly uninteresting surprise!!

The Tv Just Told Me That Princess Diana was a Fag Enabler.

And that people worship the rectum. My god. Television is frightening.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Font Crazy!

I just went crazy and changed all the fonts on my blog, while this was fun, as blogger has many fonts I have never seen before I am very disappointed in myself. As an arts student I now find my bog highly disturbing. Even more disturbing that a man eating his own head. Now that is disturbing!

My own personal blog - check it out!

Visit this link - It my photoblog, and it is very exciting!

I have recently come to the realisation that..

I am going to be a crazy cat lady.


Oh well, at least my cats will keep me company, right?

Puss in Boots would love for me to receive brilliant marks :3

This Kitteh Feels That it Has Too Many Ears

Ranga Cat Implores you to Reconsider!

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Week Four.

This little guy here is the very scary
D: However flickr is not scary at all. It is just a little photo-sharing site that people use to publish their photos. I already had a flickr account but I most certainly am not a fan. I much prefer to use Deviant Art, my blog and my facebook for such things. Although, they do not have terrifying flickr monsters.

Delicious is a bookmarking website, although it could be handy if you choose to go to many websites and have a horrid memory, I don't think I'd ever use it in my spare time. As I am much too boring to visit an array of websites and my memory is excellent, at least in my opinion :D

Linky to my DELICIOUS account

This post is newer than the last one.

I could not think of any theme for this blog. At all. I really am that creative. So I chose kittehs. Because everybody loves kittehs, right?

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Week 3. Blogger.

Blogger is a blogging website, often used for both personal and business purposes. I guess it's pretty cool.

My First Post

Hey everyone! This is my first post for MPI104. Blogger is swell!